Month of Community

This June the Month of Community is an opportunity to celebrate community connections and get to know each other a little better. It’s an idea from Eden Project Communities, the people behind The Big Lunch, who have teamed up with good causes across the UK to celebrate summer 2021 with a whole #MonthOfCommunity.

The Big Lunch is the UK’s annual big date to celebrate and give thanks to our neighbours and communities. This year Volunteers Week and The Big Lunch will kick off a summer full of community, friendship and fun. There are more reasons than ever to get together this year, so why not celebrate and say thanks to your community…

  • Say cheers to the nation’s volunteers on Volunteers Week 1-7 June
  • Appreciate nature on Wales Nature Week 29 May -6 June
  • Connect with our communities over The Big Lunch 5-6 June
  • Get to know our neighbours on Neighbourhood Watch Week 5-11 June
  • Celebrate and unpaid carers on Carers Week 7-13 June
  • Understand loneliness and support people on Loneliness Awareness Week 14-18 June
  • Make sure everyone feels welcome on Refugee Week 14-20 June
  • Raise money for local charities on Small Charity Week 14-19 June
  • Show that we have more in common on The Great Get Together 18-20 June
  • Or simply say thank you on Thank You Day 4 July


We’re encouraging people to join in in whatever way suits their community – online, on your doorstep, over the fence, or at a social distance.  Our research last year showed us that 9 out of 10 people said they needed community connection at this time of Coronavirus. Even a cup of tea with a neighbour, or an online get together with a local community group has real value in creating more connected, happier communities.

Check out, download and share this #MonthOfCommunity video: 

Find out more and get a free Big Lunch pack to get started at or get in touch with Lowri at