- Independent grant-making foundation based in Cardiff set up in 2007 by founders of the Admiral Insurance group, which has disbursed £1.2m (57 COVID grants) Mar’20-Jan’21.
- Grants typically bet £5k and £25k.
- Who can apply: Organisations working in Wales which provide support for unpaid carers (especially young carers); increase employment opportunities; or address educational inequality especially promoting science, technology, engineering & maths (STEM). TSOs involved in arts, heritage, animal welfare, general health or political or religious agendas not eligible normally. Some flexibility during COVID.
- Principally for its Caring Wales, Working Wales, or Educating Wales programmes. But some flexibility for smaller amounts of funding to charities and community groups that are working hard to support their communities, particularly through these difficult times, even if perhaps their work doesn’t strongly align to our main funding priorities.
- Apply http://www.waterloofoundation.org.uk/WalesApplications.html