Shaping Wales’ response to the climate emergency
COP Cymru is a series of events that provide an opportunity for stakeholders and everyone in Wales to engage in important conversations about climate change.
Wales Climate Week
Following a successful event in 2020, Wales Climate Week returns from 22-26 November with a 5-day programme of virtual events. The week will kick-start a nationwide conversation on the Net Zero Wales Plan and the collective action needed to ensure Wales meets its targets. Open to all, the online sessions will help people understand what Wales has already achieved, what changes we can expect in the next five years and how, together, we can shape the future.
Each day’s programme will take on a different theme and include presentations, discussions and debates involving a wide range of organisations from every corner of Wales. Delegates can register to watch any or all of the sessions live, leave comments and ask questions as part of the virtual audience.
Content from all Wales Climate Week sessions will be made available via the On-demand page.
Day 1 (Monday 22 November): Wales and the world
Day 2 (Tuesday 23 November): Energy and emissions
Day 3 (Wednesday 24 November): How Wales is responding to the climate emergency
Day 4 (Thursday 25 November): Exploring the role of nature in climate resilience
Day 5 (Friday 26 November): How individual choices impact the world climate