£4m fund set up by Welsh Government and National Lottery, managed by Sport Wales, for grassroots community sports clubs and organisations.
Who can apply: not-for-profit sport clubs and voluntary and community organisations that deliver or enable sport and/or physical activity.
Two funds: Protect grants and Progress grants.
(A) Protect grants of between £300 & £5,000 emergency funding to protect clubs and organisations at immediate financial risk and needing support, and unable to meet their financial obligations. For fixed costs no longer supported by revenue as a result of Coronavirus (e.g. for rent, utilities, insurance, facility or equipment hire, activities or costs that cannot be covered by Government funding sources); costs for up to 3 months from date of submission. Recipients of the Emergency Relief Fund cannot apply again for costs already funded.
(B) Progress grants – between £300 & £50,000 The Progress grant is intended to help progress sport and activity to the next step and support long-term sustainability.
The Progress grant can also fund items that are essential for a return to play.
This grant is intended to help clubs and organisations work towards three principles:
- Tackling inequality
- Creating long-term solutions to be more sustainable
- Taking innovative approaches
Applicants will need to demonstrate how the funding they are requesting will develop their sport or activity and impact on at least one these principles.
Apply https://www.sport.wales/grants-and-funding/beactivewalesfund/ or contact beactive@sport.wales