Renew Wales – Support for your project

Are you more aware and concerned about climate change now that you used to be?   

Does a new year give you the boost you need to do something positive about it?

Do you want to take action locally – but you’re not sure where to start?

Let us help!

Renew Wales supports communities to take action on the impacts of climate change and live more sustainably. This could mean having a lower carbon footprint, protecting and enhancing nature, sustainable renewable energy or having locally grown healthy food for example.  There are additional benefits too and communities getting together to tackle climate change can have other positive outcomes such as supporting your local community to get healthier, working together, generating an income, or learning new skills for example.


There are around 20 Renew Wales Co-ordinators across Wales, based in a variety of voluntary organisations and social enterprises and this helps create a network of active people who share ideas, learn from each other and support each other.  


We can help you as a group or wider community to develop an idea which suits your locality, so this could be a local food co-op, community transport, a growing project or maybe something to do with energy? Or something else – it’s up to you!  Our co-ordinators will work with you to develop an action plan and link you up to relevant peer mentor support. It could either be from an individual or you could for example, visit another group doing similar things to you.


If you have an idea for a project which your group and community would like to do, please contact the central team in the first instance who will then direct your query to the relevant person.  

Time is of the essence though as our programme will finish in June 2022.

So get in touch sooner rather than later!

Look us up at: 

Renew Wales is supported through the Sustainable Steps Programme delivered through the National Lottery Community Fund and funded by money from dormant bank accounts.