ProMo-Cymru is running a free eight-week course for youth involving organisations in the third sector.
DesYIgning Digital Youth Services is a practical course facilitated through the Newid programme, funded by Welsh Government. It aims to empower third sector youth organisations in Wales to digitally transform services using the Service Design methodology.
Over eight weeks, individuals or teams from organisations will be supported to design, test and develop new digital /hybrid services or rethink existing services.
During the programme you will:
- Get the opportunity to solve a real-life challenge that your organisation is facing
- Dedicate time and space to test out new ideas and approaches
- Learn new things about your service users and their needs
- Receive mentoring and guidance from digital experts
- Learn how to develop digital services that are person-centred through using the Service Design methodology
- Experiment with new digital tools
- Gain access to the DesYIgn toolkit and resources
Who is this course for?
To register for this free course, you must work for a Welsh third sector organisation that delivers services for/with young people.
To ensure you get the best training experience, we would encourage two people per organisation to attend the course, although this is not essential. Each person needs to register individually.
What’s the course format?
This is an eight-week e-learning course, with approximately 3-4 hours per week of self-study and project work. You will be allocated new tasks each week that you can complete anytime during that week. There are two scheduled webinars, but everything else is flexible as long as your course work is completed within the eight weeks.
Important dates:
- Application deadline – 18 February 2022
- Applicants informed of outcome – 21 February 2022
- Introduction Webinar – 7 March 2022, 2-4pm
- Closing Webinar – 28th April 2022, 2-4pm