CAVS, CAVO and PAVS, Proud partners of WEBruary

“Our Team of Officers across West Wales have worked with valued partners to pull together this exciting, month-long programme of on-line sessions, which gives a flavour of the variety of digital activities and support available. 

Join us and join in!”

CAVO Chief Executive, Hazel Lloyd-Lubran

“I love the idea of the WEBruary campaign to get more people connecting with others online. PAVS offers loan-out kit and DigiCoach support to help people get online through the Pembrokeshire Digital Connections programme delivered in partnership with the Wales Co-op Centre, Pembrokeshire County Council, and third sector groups.

The WEBruary campaign offers a fantastic programme of events throughout the month – well done to everyone involved!”

PAVS Chief Officer. Sue Leonard

“Over the last 12 months our Community Volunteering Development Officer has worked tirelessly to assist people to engage virtually. This has culminated in a fantastic opportunity for you to meet with friends, to feel connected, and to join various opportunities that are being delivered throughout WEBruary. Take a look and delve into whatever inspires you.

Our health and well-being is vitally important at this time, and any connections made can increase our feel good hormones and help us to feel a part of something. 

Also remember that CAVS are an Online Centre and can help signpost you to additional support to get on-line and feel digitally confident.

As a a regional project CAVS, CAVO and PAVS Community Volunteering Development Officers have co-produced a month of opportunities for the whole of WEST Wales and we are proud to support them. “

CAVS Senior Development Officer,  Jackie Dorrian