Consultation: your chance to shape the mental health workforce plan for health and social care in Wales.
We are currently consulting on the key actions which will form the foundations of the multi-professional mental health workforce plan for health and social care in Wales and would value your input.
The plan is being developed in response to the actions outlined in Together for Mental Health and includes all parts of the workforce who play a role in relation to mental health services. To ensure that we build a holistic approach to supporting people this includes the wider, generalist workforce as well as the specialist mental health workforce.
Our work to date has involved significant engagement, research and analysis, and this has informed the suggested actions included in the consultation document.
How to get involved in the consultation
The consultation is running from 1 February 2022 until 28 March 2022.
Below are copies of the consultation document containing the proposed actions and a copy of the consultation questions.
We welcome contributions from individuals, representatives, groups and organisations, and there are a number of ways you can contribute your views.
You can submit your answers by completing this consultation response e-form. You do not have to give your name or any information that would identify you if you don’t want to.
Alternatively, you can email your answers to
We are also holding a number of consultation workshops which you may have already been invited to. If you haven’t and would like to attend, please visit the consultation workshop page.
In addition, we are arranging meetings with professional bodies and are happy to join other pre-arranged meetings during the consultation period to discuss the proposed actions. If this is of interest to you, please email