West Wales Virtual Regional Governance Conference 2022

CAVS, PAVS and CAVO are delighted to present a week of lunchtime online seminars on current Governance topics. Keep your organisation up to date and take the opportunity to ask the experts about pressing issues.

Featured Presentations:

Mon 25th April: Safeguarding and DBS – Carol Eland, Disclosure & Barring Service and Suzanne Mollison, WCVA
Register Here

Tues 26th April:  Cyber Security – Georgia Christensen, Tarian ROCU
Register Here

Wed 27th April: Hybrid Working – Catherine Almeida, JCP Solicitors
Register Here

Thurs 28th April: Enhancing Board Diversity– recruiting and retaining trustees – Perminder Dhillon, CAVS
Register Here

Fri 29th April 12:00:  Chief Officers ‘ What’s happening in the region’ – Chief Officers Hazel Lloyd Lubran (CAVO), Marie Mitchell (CAVS) and Sue Leonard (PAVS) and  12:30: Mindfulness session – Tammy Foley 
Register Here

All sessions are FREE to Third Sector organisations, please book on each session separately using the appropriate Eventbrite links.

Individual Session Descriptions:

Mon 25th April: Safeguarding and DBS – Carol Ann Eland, Disclosure & Barring Service and Suzanne Mollison, WCVA

A chance to meet the experts on issues relating to Safeguarding and DBS.  The focus will be on volunteers.

Suzanne Mollison (WCVA) and Carol Ann Eland (DBS) will be leading this informative session.

Register Here

Tues 26th April: Cyber Security – Georgia Christensen, Tarian, Cyber Security Advisor

In our online world protecting your organisation’s cyber security is a key governance priority.

This session will give Trustee’s an understanding of, and confidence to improve your Cyber security, to reduce risks and protect against cyber threats. 

The session will cover :

  • Who are Tarian & and explaining their approach to cybercrime
  • What is meant by cybercrime?
  • Phishing explained – the signs, types and protecting against it
  • Understanding social engineering attacks, password guidance, ransomware, NCSC guidance and tools.
  • How to report cybercrime.
  • Signposting to organisations available for support and sharing tools.

Register Here

Wed 27th April: Hybrid Working – Catherine Almeida, JCP Solicitors

As Hybrid Working becomes more widespread, there are many issues organisations must think about to ensure they are protected. Catherine will cover areas such as:

  • What are the legal issues to address if you want to embed Hybrid Working into your organisation?
  • Do you have a clear and accessible Hybrid Working policy in place, and specifically tailored employment contracts?
  • How do you approach Hybrid Working collaboratively?
  • What needs to be in Hybrid Working contracts to protect the organisation? 
  • How do you protect organisational Data?
  • What about Health & Safety?

Register Here

Thu 28th April: Enhancing Board Diversity, recruiting and retaining trustees – Perminder Dhillon, CAVS

The case for diverse boards has been well made. Different skills, experiences, perspectives and views support healthy governance discussions and contribute to inclusive decision making.

This session will focus on top tips for recruiting trustees from diverse backgrounds. We will also consider factors that help as well as factors that hinder successful implementation of board diversity.

At the end of the session, participants will be given a short questionnaire to complete in their own time to assess the current diversity of their boards and how they can plan to better reflect their communities, service users and stakeholders in the governance of their organisation.

Register Here

Fri 29th April:  Regional Overview and Relaxation

A brief overview of regional developments from the Chief Officers of the 3 County Voluntary Councils followed by a relaxing mindfullness session to wind down the week!

Register Here