Innovation Strategy for Wales

Welsh Government has launched a consultation on its new Innovation Strategy For Wales (ISFW). Please see WCVA’s briefing paper here.

The ISFW’s stated vision is ‘to foster a vibrant innovation culture in a stronger, fairer, greener Wales’.

WCVA will be responding to this consultation and would like to hear from as many sector voices as possible for inclusion in our response. The voluntary sector is vital to the success of otherwise of the ISFW. The more voices we hear, the more influential our response can be, and this is an important area of work for us to influence.

To gather the sector’s views, we have developed a survey based around the consultation. You can find it here. Please take a look. Note that it is not necessary to answer all the questions; feel free to answer as many or as few as you like.

This survey will close on Friday 16 September 2022. Please contact WCVA Policy Officer, David Cook, on, with any questions.