Thank you to those who were able to join the conversation. (11.11.21)
Christoph Fischer provided a recap on what Participatory Budgeting involves and how engaging the community have been thus far.
The Community Consultation provided some interesting thoughts and you have decided upon the following three areas –
- Something for children
- Something for Young People
- Something around Llandeilo Green Spaces.
There was follow up discussions around the proposal process and creation of a digital teaser. This can be a poster we could share on social media or a video you take on your phone.
This should be just enough information to engage with your community, ignite some interest and encourage them to come to the event in February. Your community will be voting on which ideas are funded so ‘hook them’ now.
Support is available on request.
An appeal was made for community members to join the PB Steering Group and several interested parties stepped forward.
With the deadline for submissions being the 20thDecember it was agreed that the Steering Group would meet asap and that actions would be taken to share the pilot as far and wide as possible.
Discussions also touched on arranging presentations/workshops with the schools to encourage them to submit a proposal, possible ideas that would fit the above priorities and clarifying roles.
Funds available: £10k – potential funds available £20k+
Please note that the Steering Group have no additional voting powers outside of the agreement of 1 vote per community member. They are providing the essential volunteering support required to steer the project. They may submit their own proposal and they may offer their time to support other community members with their submissions.