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Public Services Board

CAVS works closely with statutory partners to ensure that the voice of the Third Sector is heard in the county.

CAVS Chief Officer sits on the Public Services Board

The Carmarthenshire Well-being Plan was approved in May 2018 and delivery groups were then formed to implement the plan focussing on the four key well-being objectives:

  • Healthy Environment‐ People have a good quality of life and  make healthy choices about their lives and environment.
  • Early Intervention ‐ To make sure that people have the right help at the right time; as and when they need it.
  • Strong Connections ‐ Strongly connected people, places and organisations that are able to adapt to change.
  • Prosperous People and Places ‐ To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


CAVS Chief Officer is the Chair and expert lead for the Strong Connections Delivery Group and CAVS also represents the Third Sector on each of the other delivery groups.

The Carmarthenshire We Want – Publication of the Carmarthenshire Public Services Board’s (PSBs) Well-being Plan for 2023-28

The Local Well-being Plan 2023-2028 is now published. It sets out how the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Carmarthenshire will be improved over the next five years and includes the following Wellbeing Objectives:

  • Ensuring a sustainable economy and fair employment
  • Improving well-being and reducing health inequalities
  • Responding to the climate and nature emergencies
  • Tackling poverty and its impacts
  • Helping to create bilingual, safe and diverse communities.

Read the plan – Well-being Plan

Be part of the conversation taking place in Carmarthenshire – The Carmarthenshire We Want

Carmarthenshire Public Services Board and Third Sector Collaboration

Working together for the social, cultural, environmental and economic wellbeing of Carmarthenshire.

A workshop was held on 11th January 2023 to look at how Third Sector organisations and local Public Services Boards can work together to implement The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

Participants heard from three speakers. Jenny McConnel from The Office of the Future Generations Commissioner of Wales gave a national overview and spoke about the importance of Third Sector in delivering The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.  Llinos Evans from Carmarthenshire Public Services Board (PSB) gave the local context on how Carmarthenshire Public Services Board and Third Sector organisations can work together and Vikki Butler from Co-production Lab Wales spoke about Project Dewi and their work with PSBs.


Jenny McConnel from The Office of the Future Generations Commissioner of Wales

Download Jenny McConnel’s Powerpoint Presentation Here

As a change analyst Jenny is working with public bodies and public service boards across Mid and West Wales to help them deliver the Well-being Act to the fullest. Most recently this has included reviewing and responding to the PSB well-being assessments and draft Well-being Plans. She also leads on monitoring and assessing and is tracking objectives of Public Bodies and Public Service Boards to review how they have changed in line with previous recommendations made by the Future Generations Office. Prior to joining the office, she has worked in both politics and Social Research in Wales, London and Brussels

More information about The Office of the Future Generations Commissioner of Wales:

The Future Generations Commissioner for Wales – Acting today for a better tommorrow


Llinos Evans, PSB Support Team, Carmarthenshire Public Services Board

Download Llinos Evans’ Powerpoint Here

Llinos Evans has worked for Carmarthenshire County Council in the Policy Team since graduating from Aberystwyth university and has continued her studies through the University of Wales Trinity St David in recent years. She has experience of working across sectors and has worked primarily in Welsh language and Equalities based policy. Until recently her role expanded to include working within the Public Services Board Support Team. The team also manages the Council’s Complaints process, Engagement and involvement, the Armed Forces Covenant, Ageing Well, Community Safety, Community and Town Council Liaison, alongside key statutory areas such as the Welsh language standards.

More information about Carmarthenshire Public services Board:

The Carmarthenshire We Want


Vikki Butler from Co-production Wales


Download Vikki Butler’s Powerpoint Here

Vikki has 25 years’ experience of working in the field of social inclusion, as a community development practitioner, a participatory researcher and a policy adviser. She has worked across Wales with geographical and disparate groups facing social marginalisation and discrimination supporting their voice and involvement in services and decision making. She is experienced in using creative methods and asset based approaches to foster sustained and meaningful engagement. She currently works as an associate with the co-production network wales and co-director of C.A.R.P. Collaborations.

More information about Co-Production Wales:

Co-production Wales | Cyd-gynhyrchu Cymru | (

This event was organised by Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Services and Carmarthenshire Public Services Board in partnership with the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner of Wales.

Joint working

CAVS work or have worked with a wide range of partners and partnerships, including: