Enhancing Board Diversity, recruiting and retaining trustees

April 28, 2022 @ 12:00

Cost: Free

Venue: Online- Zoom

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West Wales Virtual Regional Governance Conference

25th – 29th April 2022 12 – 1 daily

Thursday 28th April: Enhancing Board Diversity, recruiting and retaining trustees

Perminder Dhillon, CAVS

The case for diverse boards has been well made. Different skills, experiences, perspectives and views support healthy governance discussions and contribute to inclusive decision making.

This session will focus on top tips for recruiting trustees from diverse backgrounds. We will also consider factors that help as well as factors that hinder successful implementation of board diversity.

At the end of the session, participants will be given a short questionnaire to complete in their own time to assess the current diversity of their boards and how they can plan to better reflect their communities, service users and stakeholders in the governance of their organisation.

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