I can share my passion with you
Hi, I’m Andrew.
I’m a volunteer tutor with the Be Well Service based in Prince Philip Hospital as part of the Hywel Dda NHS Health Board.
We help support people with long term conditions by providing free self management training courses.
Now what makes me smile?
My gardening.
My gardening has been a big help in the past when I’ve had struggles myself.
It has helped me as a distraction bit of tranquilly to help me break my own symptom cycle and just find a little bit of peace and quiet.
Plus I adore making things grow.
Now, how do I share this with the community?
I’m actually also a volunteer with the NHS Prince Philip Hospital Green Spaces project, which makes the spaces in the hospital a little bit more inviting for the patients and staff by providing nice and nice bit of gardens for them to go into.
Who supports me on this?
Well, there’s a great volunteer team based in Prince Philip Hospital.
(apologies for sound)
They have a good volunteer service to cover many, many.
There’s also the B World Team or a great bunch of people who will always be there for you and the garden service team themselves who are always willing to help.
It’s really good to see how many people really do get out there and enjoy a bit of fresh air in the gardens.
I will like to say as well as a volunteer myself, if you’re thinking of doing it, don’t be scared.
We’ll be with you every step of the way and you will be supported, especially with this service.
And I just want to say as a final shout out that we support the “We Are With You” campaign.
All the best.