We could volunteer to adopt a tributary
Hello, my name’s Jan.
I’m very interested in wildlife of all descriptions, birds, animals, invertebrates but particularly moths, and also the things that are alive in rivers and ponds.
And I’ve just spent a very enjoyable morning with Jo from the West Wales Rivers Trust digging in the rock, dipping in my river I should say, rather than digging.
And we found quite a few creatures in there which is extremely interesting.
I first met Joe when she came down to the wildlife garden run by the Incc to give a demonstration of river dipping and I asked her to come round to have a look at my river.
And I’m passionate about these things and it’s inspired me to keep on monitoring and see if I can find even more creatures in them.
I also will be able to go back to the wildlife garden when we have open days and impart some of the knowledge that Jo’s given me to make other people aware of what’s going on in the rivers.