Day 6 – Saturday 8th June

Calling Carmartheshire

Day 6 #VolunteeringWeek

The Big Help Out

Last year 7.2million people got out and volunteered in their local communities for The Big Help Out – there are many ways in which you can get involved and lend a hand on 7-9th June this year!
Discover local volunteering opportunities from organisations that would love your help. Whether you’d like to try your hand at helping out at an animal sanctuary, or want to spend time helping older people in a nearby nursing home; there’s something for everyone. Simply download the app, register and get searching!
Reach out to groups or organisations near you and ask them if you can donate some of your time as a volunteer, and what options are available. We’re sure they will be thrilled to have your help! You could also check websites of local organisations or national organisations.
Perhaps you’d like to organise a local litter pick in your neighbourhood, a graffiti clean up or even get those green fingers working in communal allotments; if you have an idea then follow the inspiration and organise your own event!