Volunteering: for Volunteers

How CAVS can help

If you would like to volunteer:

  • We can talk to you about the benefits of volunteering
  • We can help you to find a meaningful role as a volunteer
  • We can talk to you about informal volunteering in your community
  • We can direct you to Connect Carmarthenshire
  • You can register on the Volunteering Wales website, and browse the Volunteering Opportunities that organisations from across Carmarthenshire and further afield have posted.


What is volunteering?

Volunteering is to undertake any activity that involves spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups) other than close relatives. 

Volunteering must be a choice freely made by each individual.


Why do people volunteer?

There are many reasons that people choose to volunteer. These are some of the reasons people tell us about:

  • To give something back
  • To help out
  • It’s something to do
  • Meet new people
  • Make friends
  • Learn some new skills
  • A reason to get out of the house
  • It’ll look good on my CV
  • To give me a purpose
  • I want to get hands-on experience
  • I love playing football
  • To feel good about myself
  • Help me get a job
  • Improve my English / Welsh
  • I’m bored
  • To have fun
  • Someone told me to
  • I feel like getting involved in something new
  • To do something worthwhile

Most volunteers get involved for a few different reasons. If you were thinking about doing some volunteering, what would your reasons be?


Be inspired by this short film about volunteering your time.

Different kinds of volunteering

Formal volunteering and Community or informal volunteering:

Formal volunteering

By the way, Formal volunteering doesn’t have to be ‘formal’!  What it means is you will be volunteering for a charity or organisation that engages volunteers to support them in their work. 

This can mean helping out at a small locally based organisation, like a Village Hall or for a larger national charity like the National Trust. You will usually have a specific volunteer role that you carry out and will often volunteer your time on a regular basis. 

Find out more on our Formal Volunteering page. 

Community or informal volunteering

Community volunteering can be viewed as informally helping out your neighbours. It can be spontaneous, it may be to support regular events or one off needs and it will make a difference to where you live. Sharing your time, your skills and experience, your enthusiasm and passions can help to reduce isolation and loneliness, support the resilience and wellbeing of your community and  bring you all closer together. In many cases you may already know one another which can make it easier.

Find our more on our Community Volunteering page


Info needed later

  • Case studies
  • Video chat/  case studies/  interview content
  • short FAQ video clips about volunteering.