Connected Communities Sir Gar and Connect To Kindness team in Carmarthenshire would like to thank each and every citizen in Carmarthenshire for pulling together and making the pandemic so much more manageable for their communities. Help and support has been there for so many of us and volunteers have gone above and beyond to help their fellow citizen.
The artists in your county have come together to celebrate this kindness and we thank them for capturing forever the spirit of our communities during one of our most challenging times. You will be able to see their contributions, in one collage, in various community settings across Carmarthenshire.
We will be sharing some videos this week, of the artists explaining what inspired them to capture the kindness in their communities and will be in Carmarthen Park on Sunday 1st August to launch the project.
Community Artists - videos
Connected Communities Sir Gâr – Community Art Launch:
Kate – The National Wool Museum
Janice from Cwmamman:
Craig from Cross Hands:
Copper and Carys from Llanelli:
Marissa from Cwmamman:
Connected Communities Sir Gâr - Community Art :
Wherefore ART thou
Coming November 2021….