Relaunch of ‘Know your Rights, Use your Rights, Live your Rights!’

This booklet was first published in 2013 as part of Disability Wales’ 2012-2015 core work programme. This latest version includes information about legislation introduced since 2013 including the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014.

Download the publication here 

In 2012 Disability Wales launched Know Your Rights, Use your Rights, Live your Rights resource. The aim of developing the resource was to equip disabled people and their organisations with the knowledge and information and about disabled people’s rights and how they can use them to promote equality and eliminate discrimination and harassment in their community. We also aimed to support and empower disabled people at a time when financial support and services have faced ongoing reduction of funding.

This resource showcases different acts of legislation that affect disabled people and what their rights are. This allows disabled people and organisations to reference Acts of Legislation sections to highlight their rights and organisation’s duties. It is hoped that this will help to liberate disabled people, improving their access to daily life, while also educating disabled people and organisations about their rights if the world is not as accessible as it should be. This is particularly pertinent during the Covid-19 pandemic due to the impact it has had, and continues to have, on disabled people’s lives and livelihoods.

We envisage that this will demonstrate how disabled people can realise their aspirations and goals when society works with them, rather than against them.