Suicide Prevention

The key objectives are

  • To consider the attitudes, myths and stigma that surround suicide
  • To recognise and explore the ‘signs’ that may indicate someone is having thoughts of suicide
  • To encourage an open, safe and sensitive conversation about suicide with a person having thoughts of suicide
  • To support a safety plan with someone thinking of suicide.

All sessions start at 9:30am – 1pm with a short break in the middle.

Please be aware that the registration links will expire two days before the training date.


Please forward to all relevant members of staff.


The process to secure your place is simple:


1, Choose the date that best suits you and click the link (please be aware that in order to secure the best date for you, early registration is advised as it is on a first come first served basis).

2, Follow the online form and register for the training, this secures your place on the training.

3, A couple of days before the training I will send out a reminder email and the link to access the online sessions; it will just be the reminder email for the face-to-face session.


Tuesday 24.01.23 Online –

Tuesday 28.02.23 Online –

Tuesday 28.03.23 Online –

Tuesday 25.04.23 Online –

Wednesday 31.05.23 Face-to-Face

Tuesday 27.06.23 Online –

Tuesday 25.07.23 Online –

Tuesday 29.08.23 Online –