Public Services Board seeks views to improve local well-being

Carmarthenshire’s Public Services Board (PSB) is seeking residents’ views to find out what matters to them and their local communities.

The results gathered will help the Public Services Board to understand the economic, social, environmental, and cultural factors that impact the well-being of individuals and communities within Carmarthenshire.

This information will shape the development of Carmarthenshire’s Local Well-being Plan for 2023-28.

The Plan will set out the well-being objectives for public service partners to improve the economic, social, environmental, and cultural well-being of Carmarthenshire.

Barry Liles, Chair of the Carmarthenshire PSB and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Skills & Lifelong Learning), University of Wales Trinity Saint David, said: “We want our residents to tell us how we, as public services, can help make a better future for our future generations by delivering what is important to our communities.” 

Cllr Emlyn Dole, Leader of Carmarthenshire County Council and Vice-Chair of the PSB said: “I would like to encourage everyone to take part in the survey as this will help to shape the well-being assessment and Carmarthenshire’s Local Well-being Plan for 2023-28.”

Carmarthenshire’s Public Services Board is a partnership of public and third sector organisations working together to improve well-being across the county and includes Carmarthenshire County Council, Hywel Dda University Health Board, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Natural Resources Wales and other organisations.


The survey closes on October 8, 2021.