Consultation - Have your say!
The council has a long-standing, valued relationship with the third sector which we hope will continue.
Following the pandemic, recent conversations held with third sector organisations have highlighted that going forward:
- There is an opportunity to streamline services.
- Co-production and co-design need to be undertaken collaboratively with key partners.
- More needs to be done in relation to referral pathways and understanding exactly what the needs of individuals are.
- Changes made as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic should now be seen as an opportunity to build on the positive work that has been done and a partnership approach should be taken to identify what services are needed for the future.
- Views of service users and residents need to be an important part of future planning.
- Support should be offered to individuals at an early stage to ensure greater emphasis is placed on prevention and to secure the best possible outcome for individuals
A six-week consultation exercise is underway to gather the views of service users and all residents across Carmarthenshire to help us shape the future of the service.