WCVA – What’s happening for Trustees’ Week in Wales?

November 07, 2022 @ 9:00

Cost: Free

Venue: Online

Register Here

Trustees’ Week 7 – 11 November 2022 is just around the corner and to celebrate WCVA have an exciting programme of events which offers something for every kind of trustee. From trustees looking to increase their knowledge, to trustees looking at how their organisation can embrace digital transformation and adapt to change.

So, what are you waiting for? Book your place now.

Register for the Welsh webinar

Register for the English webinar

Many of our brilliant local County Voluntary Council partners will be running events during the week, so make sure you check out what your CVC has to offer. You can find the list here: Third Sector Support Wales.

There are numerous other events being offered by partners across the UK. You can find out more on the main Trustees’ Week website.

We would be grateful if you could forward this information to your Board of Trustees so that they can get involved in Trustees’ Week and take advantage of what’s on offer.

Trustees’ Week is an annual event to showcase the great work that trustees do and highlight opportunities for people from all walks of life to get involved and make a difference.

What are you going to do for Trustees’ Week?

Here are some ideas for getting involved:

  • Take the time to thank your trustees for their contribution
  • Use the hashtag #trusteesweek to join the discussion on social media
  • Attend one of the local or national events that will be happening during the week
  • Take the opportunity to advertise any trustee vacancies you may have

We look forward to celebrating Trustees’ Week in Wales with you!

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