CAVS and Connecting Carmarthenshire presents the “We are with you” volunteering campaign.
“We are with you” focuses on the strengths of the individual citizen first – and our commitment to support them in finding the joys in volunteering. |

“Who am I” is a question you’ve probably asked yourself at one time or another, and is usually at the heart of resolutions, and promises, we focus on throughout the year. Thinking about what we like – and don’t … What is important to us – and not … What we’re good at and what we’d like to learn are influenced by what we want to become and what is expected of us. Our sense of self is inextricable from our society and our authentic community relationships. |

Have you felt that your hobbies and interests have enriched your life? Brought you some joy and made you happier? Do you feel that you are more interesting or a more well-rounded person?
There are so many ways in which Carmarthenshire citizens actively pursue their interests and often, without realising, are acquiring new skills, knowledge and experience in these areas. Our passions can help reduce stress and are great for our mental health, they are perfect self-care activities.
Our interests can offer us interesting challenges which, when we overcome them, build our confidence and self-esteem. These personal interests can make us more attractive to employers if you’re looking for work, they can also improve our concentration and focus. They can simply be fun, connect us to other people and support a feeling of being contented. |

I wonder if you’ve ever shared your interests with a friend or a neighbour? Do you get your family energised on a weekend?
You are an AMAZING person and one who is probably already using their skills and abilities to help out in their community! Do you support them when there are events because you’re good at planning and organising, or maybe your local netball team benefits from your experience and your taxi service. Are you raising funds for your local children’s ward or do you play the organ at chapel on Sunday? Have you helped set up a coffee club for citizens with a desire to meet others just like them?
Carmarthenshire is a richer county for the wonders its residents offer.
So, our final question is – are you with us … because we are with you – if you want us.
We are with you if you want to explore the different elements of volunteering.
We are with you if you would like to share the joy you experience when playing and coaching football.
We are with you if you’d like to share your crafting online with others,
or hold the hand of a citizen experiencing challenges or being a light in the darkness for someone just like you?
We are with you if you are looking for some purpose, connections new skills or simply want some more joy and happiness in your life.

We are with you to help you find, and experience, the joys of volunteering... and there is plenty of it to be found.