Have your say about child poverty in Wales

The Welsh Government is asking children and young people, families and community members, and organisations that support and speak out for children in poverty to help support decisions about how best to tackle child poverty.

CAVS in partnership with Menter Gorllewin Sir Gar; Foothold Cymru and Carers Trust invites young people, parents, grandparents, carers and others to share their experience and views on what services and organisations can do to:

  • Make sure that people have the right financial and practical support to meet the needs of children and young people
  • Support children to move out of poverty both as children and later as adults
  • Treat all children, young people and families with dignity, respect and equal rights and challenge the stigma of poverty

Please share your views and experiences by 28th March 2023 by completing this survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/tlodiplant or by contacting:

Menter Gorllewin Sir Gar  – ymholiad@mgsg.cymru

Foothold Cymru – info@footholdcymru.org.uk

Carers Trust– info@ctcww.org.uk

For further information contact  perminder.dhillon@cavs.org.uk

Download these documents and Have your say about child poverty in Wales:

Have your say on Child Poverty

What do Young people think about about Child Poverty

More information on the Child Poverty Strategy Child poverty strategy for Wales | GOV.WALEShttps://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/tlodiplant