Additional Projects: Community Action

The participatory budgeting event did highlight the value of making community funds available with no pre-determined purpose/focus. With underspend it was agreed that the following projects would be considered. Regardless of community action hub area, these were open to the entire ward.

Additional Projects

Hendy Skate Park

In April 2021, a letter was received…

“I am writing to you in the hope that you may be able to help in improving the skateboard area of Hendy Park. I am 12 years old and a Fforest resident and, with my local and further afield friends, use the park in Hendy on most days.
I became interested in skateboarding before the lockdown and used to go to the park on my own to practice. During the last year many of my friends are also now using the skateboard facilities to practice. Whilst it is great that this area of the park is being used, I hope that you would consider adding some new features”.

Benefits –  The letter was accompanied by 20 signatories. The project will provide an additional skateboarding rail for the benefit of these and other young people.

Pool Art

There have been calls from members of the community to mark the site of Hendy’s former swimming pool and this project offers a wonderful opportunity to help achieve that. As such, we want to develop a mural on the old pool wall. Using a local artist, she will work with young people on the project.

Benefits – Youth engagement, local pride, enhanced community environment (aesthetically). To date preparation work has been undertaken and paint has been purchased, but the wall became so saturated in the early autumn that it was decided that the paint would ‘blow’ if applied then. Instead, it was agreed to pick-up the project again in the Spring.

Dog Group

This was a project idea brought by a member of the community who had received some support on social media. However, despite the offer of support and the community council helping to identify a potential site, the driver of the project decided it was too onerous and the project ceased before a project form was fully completed.

Forest School (x2)

We are trying to encourage more engagement in our community woods and would like to run some Forest School sessions to engage children and encourage them to understand and protect the environment.

Benefits – over 20 children have already benefitted from the project. The second session was delayed due to storm Arwen and will now take place in January. The project has and will:

  • Increase skills and knowledge within the community
  • Create new friendships and relationships locally
  • Enhance community environment ecologically
The first Forest School session

Christmas Community Cheer

We are conscious that last year Christmas was effectively cancelled in the community. This year we want to bring some Christmas joy back. We want to encourage children to decorate our community tree and to take part in seasonal craft activity. We would like to give them a little reward. This is a cross community project as we will be working with Hendy Nature Trail, Tycroes Meithrin, Hendy Meithrin, Hendy Juniors RFC, the Art Club and the Llanedi Christmas Community social.

Benefits – over 200 children received a disk to decorate and hang on the community Christmas tree.

We also distributed 200 selection boxes to the associated groups – all bearing tags linking them back to CAVS.

Some of the children decorating the community tree

Additional Projects Evidence: Applications for each project. Monitoring Forms for each project. Photographs. Impact statements.