Troseddau Casineb & Throseddau ffrindiau -Hyfforddiant

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Dyddiadau newydd ar gael ar gyfer sesiynau Hyfforddiant Troseddau Casineb a Throseddau Ffrindiau am DDIM.

Deall Troseddau Casineb - hyffordiant

The Hate Crime Training takes a wide overview of Hate Crime, including common definitions, the experiences of victims, challenges to reporting, the impact of Hate Crime on both communities and individuals and also the range of practical and emotional support available. This session is 2 hours.

Mon 28th June, 9:30 – 11:30am, Hate Crime Training (Zoom)

Mon 12th July 9:30 – 11:30am Hate Crime Training (Microsoft Teams)

Tues 27th July, 10:00 – 12:00 Hate Crime Training  (Zoom)

Booking is essential – 

Deall Troseddau Ffrindiau - hyffordiant

The Mate Crime Training takes a deeper look into Mate Crime, vulnerabilities, signs and actions that we can all take. This session is 1 hour.

Mon 28th June, 1pm – 2pm, Mate Crime Training (Zoom)

Mon 13th July, 4pm – 5pm Mate Crime Training (Microsoft Teams)

Tues 27th July, 2:30 – 3:30pm, Mate Crime Training (Zoom)

Booking is essential –