Carmarthenshire Volunteer’s Network facilitated by CAVS
Carmarthenshire Volunteer’s Network is an informal group of people working as volunteers in the voluntary and statutory sector throughout Carmarthenshire.
The purpose of the Network is to assist in the provision and development of an effective volunteering service in Carmarthenshire.
Volunteers have an opportunity to discuss problems, share experiences and ideas, learn about each other and receive peer support. Volunteer’s health and wellbeing is at the heart of how we behave.
Anyone who volunteers across our county is welcome to come along to these Network meetings; they are free, confidential and accessed on-line through Zoom.
Informal volunteering, and more formal routes are welcome, and this group will be available in addition to the current support currently on offer to you.
If joining us online is currently a little tricky, please telephone us and we can personally discuss your needs.
Contact – phone 01267 245555 or email
Commissioned by Carmarthenshire County Council I Delivered by CAVS